widow comforter

in Gaza

widow comforter

in Israel

widow comforter

in Northern Cyprus

22.09.2024 Skirmish near Tripoli


Will it actually be shot back?

since when? since 20.09.2024 when the terror troops under the Führer

The Benny Netanyahu rumor

invaded Lebanon. completely unexpectedly for me too.

Benny Netanjahuhuh huh huh the Palestinian scare

Because there are Palestinians in Lebanon who fled under the military protection of Hezbollah. Some of them as early as 1948, when murder and genocide began in the newly founded Israel. And Palestinians in Lebanon are terrified. Of genocide by IDF terrorists. Because the state of Israel is accused of genocide. I assume that for the majority of humanity this genocide is considered proven. And I also want to have pity on the victims of this genocide. The innocent children of the Serbs

They die in the hospitals of Gaza

New text


Will it actually be shot back?

since when? since 20.09.2024 when the terror troops under the Führer

The Benny Netanyahu rumor

invaded Lebanon. completely unexpectedly for me too.

Benny Netanjahuhuh huh huh the Palestinian scare

There are Palestinians in Lebanon who fled to the military protection of Hezbollah. Some of them did so as early as 1948, when murder and genocide began in the newly founded Israel. And Palestinians in Lebanon are terrified of genocide by IDF terrorists. The state of Israel is accused of genocide. I assume that the majority of humanity considers this genocide to be proven. And I would also like to have pity on the victims of this genocide.

My name is

Dr. Bernhard Florian Farkasch,

Born in 1954, living in Saarbrücken. Due to the attack on Lebanon, I feel compelled

Flux Flux Flux Florian


to make a satire. Because those are my only weapons, good arguments and satire. Satire also so that my good arguments are heard.

A brilliant satirist and lyricist from Hamas wrote on the occasion of the hostage kidnapping. Because I have the advantage of being an atheist. But not an anti-fascist, otherwise I would be stupidized by anti-fascism and would share the fate of most Germans.


To avoid this fate, I sometimes read scientific articles about the end of the world

Tel Aviv beach

On the beach in Tel Aviv, casual clothing is the order of the day. Women can wear a devilish-looking bra without any problem. The sexy black bra of the IDF terrorist troops.

And the cute little terror mouse looks devilishly good in it. But actually she looks like an angel. That's what a lyrically gifted Hamas terrorist thought too. He obviously belongs to the Islamic State (IS, ISIL). And then, in a flash, Florian kidnapped five little terror angels/terror devils. Namely these ones:

All good-looking IDF sniffer dogs. OR Snoopys. OR IDF terror brats. We see the martyr here.

Stupid Netanyahuhuh huhu hu.

Swap hostages immediately.

For this martyr has fulfilled his duty here on earth.

The hostages have been raped and their human rights have been violated. What is he supposed to do in the Hamas tunnels now? He wants to go to paradise,

but immediately!, Dalli Dalli

Things are getting increasingly uncomfortable in the Hamas tunnels, the food is slowly running out due to the terrorist hunger blockade of the IDF terrorist mercenary troops. I am referring to a report by Clarissma Ward from CNN. A hunger blockade is clearly genocide, because innocent civilians are starving to death. Especially women and children. Newborns and infants are the worst affected. Older children are dying from a combination of hunger and disease.

lying press

Sasha Ariev should remember this background if she wants to hug her little sister like that again.

Because Sasha Ariev says that she is asking and begging everyone to save her little sister's life. We want to show mercy and help Sasha Ariev. But to do that, Sacha has to listen to the following from the Pope.

Pope spoke on the phone with the only Catholic parish in Gaza

The Pope had spoken frequently by telephone with the pastoral staff of the only Catholic parish in Gaza in recent weeks.

On Saturday, Israeli soldiers shelled the parish buildings, killing two people and injuring several others.

According to Israeli sources, there was a rocket launcher on the site.

So who is sniffing around in the Gaza center armed with IDF spotters? They are shooting at the generator. Yes, because the generator is broken. But why do they have to shoot at unarmed Christians in the parish house? The Pope speaks of several injured people. Out of pure bloodlust? The conclusion is obvious: they want to commit genocide. Because genocide has long been proven!

A grandmother flees from her murderers with her grandson. She doesn't make it. She is murdered in front of the camera. The cowardly killing of unarmed people is murder. My grandmother was also supposed to be murdered. She was fleeing from genocide. The genocide of the Danube Swabians. If I had been born then, I would have been hunted by murderers too.

But luckily, the refugee trap was found in time. But on whose orders did the bombers fly? US President Roosevelt. Three years later, the UN was founded.

Now I have to come out with the truth

New text

The human rights activist and anti-fascist Elenora Roosevelt was also involved in the founding of the UN. She knew about the genocide of the Danube Swabians and the murders of her husband. Anti-fascism was the magic word of the lie. The USA had nothing against the fascist Franco. And that is where the lies and the lying press begin. The German lying press too.

lying press

First of all, the German lying press is a big problem for Germany. In order to be able to vote sensibly, voters must know who they are voting for. And so freedom of the press is one of the most important characteristics of a democracy. And I am a German like Dr. Faust was back then. I would also ally myself with the devil to stabilize German democracy.

So what is the situation in the Levant, which I include Israel and Lebanon as well as the Islamic State

Hamas allied with Hezbollah offer the following deal.

Freedom of the press versus the life of convicted genocide perpetrators.

First restriction in this horse-trading

Hamas may have other goals, the most important of which is

The public execution of those found

IDF terrorists

as a deterrent for IDF terrorists still on the loose. According to Hamas, more than 50,000 people died in the Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people. Now religion comes into play. The God of Islam is a living God, infinitely stronger than the idols around which the idolaters... the IDF terrorists... dance, as Jews like to do, around the Golden Bull. Contemptuously called the Golden Calf by the true God... and it is really big.

God is great

This God is great and strong, stronger than the artificial idols around which the Israelis dance. Especially the reconquest of the holy site of Islam, the al-Aqsa Mosque, has the blessing of God.

Now poor Sasha Ariew is completely confused. How am I supposed to save my little sister? The hand of reconciliation has already been extended by the Palestinians through

Issa Kassissieh

a Christian Palestinian who fights against the "Hamas monster". After all, the majority of Palestinians voted for Hamas. And this monster must be eradicated from the earth. That is the official Likud propaganda. And against this

♥Issah Kassissieh♥


New text

who brings presents to all children. The nice Christmas should be addressed

 sasha Ariv

dear good Papa Noel

I have a wish for Christmas

I want to hug my little sister

and play racing animal games

please, please, please I beg you

I also like to pull your sleigh as a red-nose reindeer

because I would love to play reindeer game with my sister and my aunt for Christmas

with jolly jumping. Because there is a medal of honour for the best jumping.

jolly jumping day murderers should hang ! Genocide ! Everything's over

Murderers should hang

It has always been like this

also back then in Tennessee

Back to our martyr. He is sitting in the Hamas tunnel, which actually has little to do with paradise. Except of course for the good-looking sex slaves. But otherwise it is cramped, dark and damp. And loud. Because Gaza is being shelled incessantly by the IDF. And that is why Hamas wants to keep the hostages.

And demands negotiations?

Negotiations for their own sake?

Yes, exactly. Because she wants freedom of the press during the negotiations. The most important country worldwide is Germany.

A country in which there is only very limited freedom of the press. A country in which there is a lying press. Many people have an interest in fighting the lying press: German Democrats, the Catholic Church loyal to the Pope, and many others in Israel, for example.

Dina Kraft of Haaretz

but also Hamas and its hostage takers

they will agree to this deal.

The Lives of Convicted Murderers and Genocide Against Freedom of the Press

to be honest, I don't know!!

because I have very little to do with Hamas

I consider Israeli IDF spotters, who are humorously and satirically referred to by Hamas poets as sniffer dogs = Snoopys, just like Hamas, Fatah, the governments of South Africa, Mexico and Niceragua and about 30 other countries, to be murderers and genocide.

Justification for the genocide in Palestine and Gaza is now also available on Wikipedia

It's about this good-looking IDF spotter, the sniffer, who has the sniffer pants here. The pants of the shabby sniffer dog Snoopy.

Agam  Berger

Agam you aer bound to die

Iwas a bit unlucky,

reckond were i bee

i was abit unlucky

I was in Tennessie

Of course, the murders of the hunger relief workers did not happen in Tennessee but in Gaza. But women are hanged in Tennessee too. For murder. Even today. In the past, it was by hanging, until 1916, today it is by lethal injection or the electric chair. For the same crime:


Murder of innocent people whose only crime was not wanting to stand idly by and watch the genocide in Gaza. Because that was what it was about. The UN had announced that starving non-combatants was genocide. And the first food shipments reached Gaza. The genocide of the Palestinian people had to continue and that is why the WCK employees had to die. The last verse refers to the German version by Tom Dooley.


That is the story of murder. Anyone who dares to murder in Tennessee will be hanged. That is also the story of IDF spotters. If they had had to deal with me, I, the Sherif, would have had to hang them.

No mercy in Tennessee.

never again in life

you see the sunlight

There can be no mercy

Grace does not exist

There can be no mercy

revised own translation

I can't give a pardon

there is no pardon

Israel is currently carrying out genocide in Gaza through

Why then should there be mercy in Gaza for the same crimes? We can only hope that Agam Berger is still alive when we ask Yayah Sinwar for mercy for Agam Berger's life.

never again in life

you see the sunlight

There can be no mercy

Grace does not exist

There can be no mercy

revised own translation

I can't give a pardon

there is no pardon

Israel is currently carrying out genocide in Gaza through

Why then should there be mercy in Gaza for the same crimes? We can only hope that Agam Berger is still alive when we ask Yayah Sinwar for mercy for Agam Berger's life. We are me and at least 3 family members of Snoopy's who believe Israel should not commit genocide in Gaza.

But of course when relatives Yayah Sinwar ask for mercy for spotter girls, snooys we shouldn't be Islamophobic and pro imperialist. Suspicion arises when:

The hostage's relatives did not show all the footage that Hamas sent to them. Along with the severed heads.

Hamas operates. Hamas operates with images and wants them interpreted.

It was intended from the beginning:

The lives of IDF terrorists sentenced to death for genocide in exchange for Hamas' freedom of the press.

There has already been a pardon. The pardon of Daniel Gilboa. Because this snooping "Snoopy" deserved death just as much as the other spotter girls.

She returned with the mission to ensure freedom of the press and I and Yayah Sinwar ask ourselves:

Why ?

From my point of view, without knowing much about Israel, it would have been easy to go to the daily newspaper Haretz a few months ago and say: Dear Dina Kraft, you have already fought against the genocide of the Palestinian people here in Israel, for example with your excellent research into the "World Central Kitchen affair". Please keep going, the hostages' families might get another hostage back alive if they support you, Dina Kraft, in your journalistic work against the genocide in Gaza.

That would have been possible until the beginning of September 2024. Because I could have propagated Hamas’ peace plan together with Hezbollah on my websites

.I could have mentioned other aspects, such as the apology for the hostages, in passing at the beginning. Then I could have slowly moved on to the central points. Since the attack on Lebanon, this is unfortunately no longer possible. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible now. I have to start with the central points and that means we are losing time.


the hostages are in

acute danger to life.

We now offer Hamas freedom of the press.

My freedom of the press is the freedom of the Hamas press. And of course freedom of satire. I make fun of murderers. And Hamas also makes fun of murderers and genocide victims. In Jihad. Jihad is what we call military German at the military border in the Batschka and in Transylvania.

Turkish War

Because time is running out and the hostages’ lives are in acute danger.

So let's get started, it's about the Hams kolaus that we already presented It's about the Hamas Nikolaus

issah Kassissih, ev whom we have already introduced

Interesting for the hostage's families: Cardinal Pizzabella addresses the issue.

full article from vatican news sept 2024

to Fulda

quoted from this: (geisel)

Pizzaballa expressed skepticism about the negotiations for the release of hostages taken by the terrorist organization Hamas during the attack on Israel: "The signs of a successful conclusion to the negotiations are very weak. That is why we believe - and we hope we are wrong - that the end of the conflict is not yet imminent and that we will have to deal with this terrible situation for a long time to come."

Commentary from the HIF leader

Hamas has been trying for months to control the

The lives of convicted murderers and genocide against freedom of the press.

See, the German Bishops' Conference could grant Hamas freedom of the press, and Hamas will probably grant it.

The allies of Hamas, Hezbollah, but above all the Islamic State and the Muslim Brotherhood want an interreligious dialogue, but a fair dialogue in which ISIL and the Muslim Brotherhood can present their beliefs to the public.

The Athenian Church should begin a religious dialogue with Isil and the Muslim Brotherhood in the next few years. But this must not become a propaganda show for capitalism and clerical fascism. In Germany at least there must be no cheap, primitive election campaign for Scholz.

Continue with Vatican News

Language as a Tool of Violence

Pizzaballa, who was born in Italy, called for more careful language: "Language laden with violence, aggression, hatred and contempt, rejection and exclusion does not play a minor role in this war, but is one of the main tools in this and far too many other wars." Hatred is also often stoked on social media. Formulations that deny the humanity of fellow human beings are a form of violence that enables other violence. "These are formulations that may hurt even more than massacres and bombs."


A statement like Pizzabella's here must be prevented at all costs before the interreligious debate begins. Because it is an election campaign statement for the incompetent SPD member Scholz and the Green Bärbock. The last loyalists of the

IDF terrorists

 die in Gaza

commit murder and genocide

Who are such people? Creatures? Creatures of the night? Barbarians?

supported in the election campaign like


he has to expect satire so that my arguments are remembered. also

cardinal Pizza Beiia Patriarch of and or on and away


Poor Agam Berger is sitting in the Hamas tunnel. She was a spotter girl for the IDF. A sniffer dog. Someone who, as an IDF terrorist, contributes to genocide. To the extermination of the people, the Palestinians. It is a disgrace. As a disgrace, she has to wear sniffer dog pants because she is about to be raped. She has to take them off before the rape. And she has just been sentenced to death. In another analogous video from the time of Caliph Baghdad, women who are sentenced to death...

and here we come back to our Geiel deal.

Cute IDF Snoopys convicted of genocide against

freedom of the press

Please release Snoopy Girl Agam Berger

n and send her to me in Saarbrücken. Because there she will experience something far

Of course she had to put on her IDF terror spotter panties again and she was also scolded by me

me raised index finger.

Shame Shame Shame

Shame on Agam Berger and that's why she has to wear the classic mask of shame.

the Scande des Mordes

The Shame of Genocide

and maybe also

The Shame of Child Torture

New text

New text

♥ Agam My Love ♥

I love you

my great love

you are so beautiful

You are so beautiful and I love you Agam. But the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. So let's bake a pizza right away.

! Ready !

but remember

So everything you do you should

♥ Love ♥


So bake me a

Nice Pizza

but an original Italian ´

That's amore

a particularly lyrical lyrical song by the Hamasmoster from the Hamastunnel on the topic God is love and the Swabian monter means

pizza with Amore made by a Bella 

heart is trump

the beautiful Danyella

Because she still has her great beach bikini on, and is sitting skin to skin with the other snoopy sloopy girl amra brgr in the Hamas tunnel and declaring her love for Yussuf the martyr.



genocide and hospital bombing

have ACTUALLY taken place in GAZA

and only with a serious defect in press freedom can I explain that the Federal Republic of Germany provides the ammunition for this.

We are approaching the end of our mission with the Creed

because we know from the military border in Transylvania

The creed always comes at the end

We Transylvanians know that Hammas Martyrs don't just send picture messages but also music messages. Like this one: The Nazi Schlape de Lumenhund must hang. The lawsuits are already pending at the relevant UN courts. The prosecutor there is South Africa. But since Hammas doesn't want to wait 10 years or until doomsday, she has gone to court herself and has come to the decision.

came .

Sloopy must hang

Sloopy must hang

Sloopy must hang

This is the ballad of the Two Israeli Spotter Girls,

But Berger

Danile Ariev

of the terrorist army of "Benny" Netanyahu and its sad end as a hostage in a Hammas tunnel. It begins

Hang on, SloopySloopy, hang onHang on, SloopySloopy, hang on

Sloopy lives in a very bad part of town (ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)And everybody, yeah, tries to put my Sloopy down (ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)Sloopy, I don't care what your daddy do (ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)'Cause you know, Sloopy, girl, I'm in love with you (ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)

so whre it is bad part of the the town Tel Aviv

The very bad place on the beach, of course, because that's where IDF spotter girls in sloopy panties are prominent.

And after work - murder and genocide - you can really relax

see here

An older, more experienced spotter obviously grieved the mother of the younger spotter girl

Identification mark everyone has sloopy panties on. 

That's how it should stay because in the Hamas basement where murderers and genocidal murderers are waiting for their death, they can keep their sloopy panties on.

like ths

The death penalty should be carried out in a civilized manner by hanging. At least in our ballad, Daniel Ariew already has the string around his neck that it will soon be hanging from.

And so I say now

Hang on, SloopySloopy, hang onHang on, SloopySloopy, hang on

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahGive it to 'em (yeah)

Sloopy, let your hair down, girlLet it hang down on me (ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)Sloopy, let your hair down, girlLet it hang down on me, yeah, yeah (ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)

Come on, Sloopy (come on, come on)Well, come on, Sloopy (come on, come on)Well, come on, Sloopy (come on, come on)Well, come on, Sloopy (come on, come on)Well, it feels so good (come on, come on)You know, it feels so good (come on, come on)Oh, shake it, shake it, shake it, Sloopy (come on, come on)Oh, shake it, shake it, shake it, yeah (come on, come on)Ohh

Hang on, SloopySloopy, hang onYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahHang on, SloopySloopy, hang onYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahHang on, SloopySloopy, hang on

Hello ho ho ho

but who is actually the original Snoopy

I couldn't fully explain the video message, because the viewers would have to be from Palestinian culture. Because it's about conquering Because right at the beginning the martyr says

" I will Step you." 

So I will climb you. Because here in Gaza climbing is compulsory, just like in the Blue Mountains "The good old mount`n due.

mountan deww

But this time things will turn out well. But of course there will be peace at Christmas.

for our imaginary Snoopy from the video and for our real IDF Snoopy`s from Tel Aviv When the bells of peace

also sound at Christmas.

And so we will soon come to our happy ending. We want to see that in the video

Happy End

So that was the happy ending and I can finally begin with my closing statement.

a fighter pilot in WW1 who hunts the bloody German the Red Baron

unfortunately he is shot down by German anti-aircraft defenses


in the video:

Palestinians over Gallipolis where Snooy's commander, Winston Churchill, said Turks are Swabians and Palestinians are not humann beings, Snoopy shall fly a reconnaissance flight so we can bomb hospitals.

The same applies to Gaza, where  genocidallikud Likud leader are ordering IDF snoopy´to reconnaissance flights over hospitals. We want to bomb them now. There are only Palestinians in there and they are not human beings. 

The problem for the two sweet Snoopy girls  Agam Berger and

Daniel Ariew is is that they are sitting in a Hamas tunnel and the martyr in charge says:

Dear Snoopy's, you wanted to bomb hospitals where there are no people. But now it's our turn. We don't consider you human beings either.

we think you are animals

with the heart and mind of animals.

final declaration

01 to the Catholic Church, to the families, to all parties that have any interest in peace in the Middle East. This of course also includes the current party leader in the USA.

I voluntarily swear my allegiance to the earthly Hamas Santa Claus Issah Kassissieh. But not to the heavenly Catholic Santa Claus. I will only explain why in the next year, 2025.

This website is intended to be a site of peace. And it will not change. If Cardinal Pizzabella has any objections to it, I will try to change it.

But it cannot go any further, even towards the Catholic Church as in this statement.

Peace in the Middle East requires that no one denies another person their humanity.

Humans have the characteristic of being mammals. As mammals, their thinking is determined by the reward of happiness. Happiness is created by the release of an excess of happiness hormones.

Peace in the Middle East requires that no human being denies another human being this quality of being human. And that as a human being, they acts as human being

Human beeing have the characteristic of being mammals. As mammals, their thinking is determined by the reward of happiness. Happiness is created by the release of an excess of happiness hormones.

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