widow comforter

in Gaza

widow comforter

in Israel

widow comforter

in Northern Cyprus

Photo credits

Milva la Rossa with only a slight red: PINK hair tint

Author: Unknown - Italian magazine Gente, March 1972, No. 12.

Italian singer Milva, Milan, 1972.

  • public domain
  • File:Milva, Gente 1972.JPG
  • Created: January 1, 1972

Information about the media viewer

copyright from Wikipedia. PUBLIC DOMAIN OR OUTRAGEOUS

  • public domain
  • File:Milva, Gente 1972.JPG
  • Created: January 1, 1972

Milva 1965 without hair dye

1965 at the time when Dr. Bernhard Farkasch was still a very pious altar boy and had a Milva apparition during the night.

Milva Unknown - Italian magazine Radiocorriere

The Italian singer Milva in 1965

  • public domain
  • File:Milva in 65.jpg
  • Created: April 1, 1970

Information about the media viewer

According to Wikipedia, the image is in the public domain, especially because the author is unknown.

All right

excellent Wikipedia keep it up

Milva and Mario Piave in January 1970, at the beginning of their relationship

See author information

Milva, the red one in the panther costume

with her new boyfriend

kniefrei ohe ooh is

I saw your knee

Copyright for the super sexy communist panther woman in provocative position

sea wikipedia:

  • Public domain
  • File:Mario Piave and Milva (January 1970).jpg
  • Uploaded: January 27, 2012

About Media Viewer

Italian singer Milva in 1970

Bilinmiyor - Italian magazine Radiocorriere from Turkish Wikipedia


Unknown - Italian magazine Radiocorriere

  • Public domain
  • File:Milva 70.jpg
  • Date created: April 1, 1970

the description of the copyright is in Turkish please click on kamu mali

In 1964 Claudio Villa, Milva and Nicola Arigliano

Unknown - Italian magazine Radiocorriere

Italian singers Claudio Villa, Milva and Nicola Arigliano

  • Public domain
  • File:Claudio Villa, Milva and Nicola Arigliano.jpg
  • Date created: May 1, 1964

About Media Viewer

  • Public domain
  • File:Claudio Villa, Milva and Nicola Arigliano.jpg
  • Date created: May 1, 1964

About Media Viewer

Copy right as always public domain

The important date is May 1st On Labor Day, the red panther Milva has caught two cute mice and Nicolo Arigliano is completely enchanted by Milva. and sings

The toy mouse is of course Clauio Villa. The panther Milva can be very dangerous

 KarlMay_Raupp.jpg: Erwin Raupp  (1863–1931)   Description German photographer Date of birth/death 1863  1931  Location of birth/death Karlsruhe Darmstadt Work period around 1900 Work location Germany Authority control : Q17321513 VIAF:  169662152 ISNI:  0000 0001 1883 954X LCCN:  no2011150055 GND:  144038064 NKC:  pna2011628760 WorldCat derivative work: MrPanyGoff  -  KarlMay_Raupp.jpg

  • Public Domain
  • File:Karl May edit.jpg
  • Created: 23 March 2011

This image is of course also in the public domain

Cover of the first edition

 Scan of book cover

  • Fair use
  • File:Orientalism, first edition.jpg
  • Uploaded: 7 October 2017

About Media Viewer

The image is in the public domain. The problem is of course the word fair use. We want to remind you that it was Adolf Hitler who discovered and developed copyright as a political weapon. The image may not be used in any way in the context of child pornography. And with that, Wiki-Nomenklaturia is following in the footsteps of National Socialism.

Of course we do not want to publish child pornography, but in the context of Karl May, Arabic fantasies in the Bible and Babel.

Bible and Babel

Julia Klöckner, election posters for the state election in Rhineland-Palatinate 2011

CDU - This file was kindly made available to Wikimedia Commons by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung as part of a cooperation project.

Politics with a future Julia Klöckner Prime Minister for us Our homeland Our future CDU www.cdurlp.de Illustration: Portrait photo Comment: 1st wave Poster type: Candidate/person poster with portrait Client: CDU regional association Rhineland-Palatinate, Mainz Printer_Print type_Print location: DVD with viewing and printing data in PDF format Object signature: 10-010 : 1502 Stock: State election posters Rhineland-Palatinate (10-010) StructureStock10-18: State election posters Rhineland-Palatinate (10-010) » CDU License: KAS/ACDP 10-010 : 1502 CC-BY-SA 3.0 DE

Approval details

Archive for Christian Democratic Politics (ACDP) This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Germany License. You are free to distribute this work - copy, distribute and make it publicly available - reassemble it - modify it and edit it Under the following conditions: Attribution - You must provide appropriate credit, link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. This credit may be given in any reasonable way, but not in such a way that it appears that the licensor is particularly endorsing you or your use of the material. ShareAlike - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same or a compatible license as the original.


  • CC BY-SA 3.0 deInformation on further use
  • File:KAS-Klöckner, Julia-Bild-38728-1.jpg
  • Created: January 1, 2011

About the Media Viewer

Here we see our future mistress Julia Klöckner. Unfortunately we cannot simply depict her as is, because the Wikipedia text says "appropriate". Ultimately, the CDU decides what is appropriate. None of the Wikipedia copying licenses contain a note that, for example, this image can still be published under German law. Once within the satire and secondly as a scientific image quotation.

The claim that it is a scientific image ingredient is also for German citizens with a secondary school certificate. You can take the position that:

it is a

Image zoomed


image quote

The beautiful Julia plays a slave on the planet Orion in a science fiction film. In the good old days of Star Trek, the Star Trek adheres to the international law of the Hague Convention. And there it says non-interference until war is declared. It is about

Arabic fantasies

Babel and Bible

To repeat: Karl May places the Arabian fantasies in the Wild West, where children and teenagers let their imaginations run wild.

Back to poster:

This poster was put up 100,000 times during the election campaign. Can Julia Klöckner claim the right to her own image? tearfully: "I don't want my face to be in the spotlight." She can't do that. Because she wanted to be in the spotlight. And she wanted to be emotionally associated with the image. And therefore be elected.

Then comes the idiotic argument: The poor photographers, the poor artists. Because photography is art. And artists have the right to be named. And of course to be paid for. In the case of advertising and election advertising, this is of course not particularly true. Because no politician just goes away like that, but instead gets advice for a lot of money. And advertising agencies usually work as a team. The agency is not named. And also not its boss as

gosses Kistler

This is also sufficient because the agency manager is not involved in the creative work, but acquires customers

Who is really

great artist

Olaf Kosinsky

The picture is good because it shows the widow Klatten in the Ute slave look

woman notice the wild haircut and especially in front

Mrs. Klattner probably sought advice.

Notes on further use of this image

Image: Olaf Kosinsky (kosinsky.eu)License: CC BY-SA 3.0-de

This image was published by Olaf Kosinsky under the free license CC BY-SA 3.0-de and may therefore also be used outside of Wikipedia under the following conditions:

  • Mark the image with the name of the author including a link to the homepage and the license as well as the associated link - e.g. as in the example shown. In print media, either the complete license text or the associated URL must also be printed: creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/de
  • Share alike: The image may also be edited and used for your own works, but these must then be published under the same license (e.g. c:Wikimedia Commons).

I would be grateful if you could send me a copy or the URL of the publication in which you use my work.

You are also welcome to use the license notice generator to create the necessary copyright information.

If you have any questions about this image and its licensing conditions or if you would like to receive copies, please contact me at info@kosinsky.eu or on my website kosinsky.eu. Please get in touch if you...

  • need a different license to use the image without the above obligations,
  • Looking for higher resolution images of the same subject or a different image section,
  • or are interested in similar images or graphics.

The license conditions mentioned above are the prerequisite for free use. Use without this information would constitute a copyright infringement, which according to the MFM's fee recommendation can result in a contractual penalty of up to five times the usual usage fee.

Please respect personal rights

Although this work is released under a free license or is in the public domain, the privacy rights of the person(s) depicted may restrict certain reuses or make them dependent on their consent. A modeling contract or other proof of such consent can protect you from legal problems. Although not obligated to do so, the uploader may be able to help you obtain such proof. Please also note our general disclaimer.

  • CC BY-SA 3.0 deThe personal rights of the person(s) depicted restrict certain further uses of the image without their prior consent.Hide further use notices
  • File:2017-09-12 IAA 2017 Susanne Klatten at BMW by Olaf Kosinsky-10.jpg
  • Created: September 12, 2017

About the Media Viewer

The copy license is refreshingly short, since it comes from the USA.

Here we see slaves who have just been freed by Mormons from the hands of the Ute Indians. To the amusement of the Ute women, they all received a Susanne haircut,

Note the irregular strands in the forehead area and above the temples. With enough gel, the hairstyle looks just as funny as the hairstyle of the Ute slaves. Rumor has it that:

Ute slave traders dyed the hair of their slaves blonde because blondes were easier to sell

  • Created: 1853
  • Updated: 2021-02-15 21:57:25
  • License: Public domain
  • Usage terms:Public domain
  • Credit: Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, by Howard Stansbury. Digitized here: https://archive.org

Ines Pohl

N Ines Pohl (editor-in-chief of taz), photo: Stephan Röhl Event "Language and Racism" at the Heinrich Böll Foundation Berlin

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung from Berlin, Germany - Ines Pohl

  • CC BY-SA 2.0
  • File:Ines Pohl (9133874723).jpg
  • Created: 17 June 2013

Pohl (editor-in-chief of taz), photo: Stephan Röhl Event "Language and Racism" at the Heinrich Böll Foundation Berlin

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung from Berlin, Germany - Ines Pohl

  • CC BY-SA 2.0
  • File:Ines Pohl (9136098784).jpg
  • Created: June 17, 2013

this photo is not in the public domain but fits our context

Bible and Babel. Jochim E. Röttgers is not yet allowed to take any photos.


Because Ines Pohl wants to recreate satire as a female satirist. She has chosen Jochim E. Röttgers as her loyal man.

The connection

Photographer Joachim E. Röttgers presents a "Best of Context" photo exhibit. Together with Ines Pohl, he points out the next anniversary date: the exhibition with the "best pictures from five years of Context", which opens on May 29th at 6:30 p.m. in the Theaterhaus Stuttgart.

and the link to it

great party in context

Unfortunately, I don't have a copy license for the next Ines Pohl because it comes from the "Welt" On the topic: Ines Pohl leaves the TAZ and goes to America. And in America she can visit the Apaches. In Fort Lawton, where the grave of Geronimo, the most famous Apache, is located. Ines Pohl tries her hand at a war paint job here.

There are also many Latinos in Fort Lawton who are fans of the Witzli-Putzli. That's why Ines Pohl has specially painted herself a cute war paint. It's forgivable if it didn't work the first time. Because cute is the outdated word for cute.

to the article Witzli zum Putzli

This image is of course also in the public domain.

comes from Wikipedia and of course has references to copyright:

next page →

Original file ‎(2,884 × 4,226 pixels, file size: 6.19 MB, MIME type: image/vnd.djvu, 315 pages)

Size of the JPG preview of this DJVU file: 409 × 599 pixels. Other resolutions: 164 × 240 pixels | 327 × 480 pixels | 524 × 768 pixels | 699 × 1,024 pixels | 1,397 × 2,048 pixels | 2,884 × 4,226 pixels.

Go to page... please read at wikipedia

N Interestingly, in copyright law, there is no reference to the photographer

on great artists

because it is really a great art to get such a poorly exposed shot with a post-war camera.

It's probably a bit embarrassing for a great artist. I would be too.

Greetings from Krampus, postcard around 1900

Author/-in unbekannt - History of Krampus Devils Uploaded by Kohelet

Greetings from Krampus

public domain according to Wikipedia

New text

N The image is völkisch in reference to folkish folklore. The Krampus has the following attributes of the Roman god of slave traders the


long ears


and slave chains

New text

New text

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