widow comforter

in Gaza

widow comforter

in Israel

widow comforter

in Northern Cyprus



First of all, you have to know what political views Karl May had. In my opinion1 he moved in the German political and religious world with Kurt Tucholzky. A somewhat more modern representative is Ernst Bloch, a religious philosopher from Tübingen.

"Bloch criticizes Christianity for its traditional hierarchical structures, derived from a god who is "above" and is reminiscent of Marduk or Ptah, the gods of the Babylonians and Egyptians, but not of Yahweh, the god of the Exodus, who leads to liberation."2 Karl May has a completely different opinion here. However, he has no academic training and is obviously smart enough not to stoop to the level of academic idiots3 such as Ernst Bloch, Hans Küng and Cardinal Ratzinger.3) He writes books on the subject. Knowing full well that:

There is a dilemma

a religious dilemma that is also a secular one.

The dilemma of the Babylonian captivity. To be more correct and therefore more concrete.

Babylonian slavery

Godwill of:

Jews enslaved


Babylonians and their allies enslaved

they are on the slave market

naked for sale

"Advertising young love for sale" Is that even possible:

Slaves love their master

Although they must serve him

and get their paws slapped when they make mistakes.


Now we almost forgot the topic dilema


1) Here too, it should be noted that no philosophical historical science is being pursued, for example, in order to write a book with the title: Religion as a political tool or politics as a means to religiosity with special attention to Ernst Bloch and Karl May. Writing such a book would require a great deal of literary work and, if it were to be good, would take at least two years.

2) Quote from the German Wikipedia 2022 on the subject of Ernst Bloch

3) Later in the volume Atheism in Christianity it says: “Only an atheist can be a good Christian, but certainly also: Only a Christian can be a good atheist” also quoted from the German Wikipedia 2022 on the subject of Ernst Bloch

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