widow comforter
widow comforter
widow comforter
widow comforter
But why do I want to create charity? To refute the German Christians of the Third Reich and their German Christian successor organizations.
claim of the German Christians
God is Love
Jesus loves you
and Jesus of Nazareth died on the cross out of love for humanity
So we're starting from the beginning. The dog is man's best friend. The dog loves his master and the master loves his dog. Christian women also own dogs and live with them. For example, older ladies in St Pauli and St Paulus. But Mischelle Obama also owned a dog. But Julia Klöner also owns a dog. . But her dog also loves his mistress without being crucified. Neither was a dog crucified for the sin of all dogs so that all dogs could say: my mistress loves me, nor did a mistress die for the sin of all mistresses so that all mistresses could say: I love my dog. Because dog life is much older. Dogs were found even in the Stone Age. When the
Christian charity
For love existed long before Christianity.
Your Powers
journalist at
Skirmish 6.9
German: Standard language Native speaker
English:as Welsh
Hebrew and Arabic on the topic
for understanding
This website has grown organically in conjunction with other websites.
for understanding
For various reasons, including personal reasons, the decision to fight for the lives of Israeli Hamas hostages was made in early late September, around 6 September 2024. The restructuring of my website was delayed by Israel's attack on Hamas and Lebanon.
Skirmish 6.9
German: Standard language Native speaker
English:as Welsh
Hebrew and Arabic on the topic
New text
Imprint: Berhard Farkasch, Rheinstr. 14 66113Saarbrücken