widow comforter
widow comforter
widow comforter
widow comforter
is over
and again no one proclaims my words
antifascism against terror and murder
It's about my platform
Turkisla. Club
The purpose of this platform is to fight the enemies of the Pope, who are also my enemies. Not just in words, but also in deeds. We fight them by ensuring that they get as few votes as possible in the super election year of 2024, first in the European elections, then in the state elections in East Germany. And then we'll see. Because there is also a presidential election in the USA. The candidates have not yet been chosen. But it is quite possible that Trump will stand for election and win the election. We are already preparing for this in the European elections. But there is tolerance among the parties on the platform.
now with a concrete example
T Palm Sunday took place with a pontifical mass in Rome (vulgar late, Ponti-fickal-demo dorch ponti-fix)
This is the text area for a paragraph describing this service. You may want to give examples of the service and who may be able to benefit from it.
Because it is about love for one's neighbour. Military front jihadists from the large and small Maghreb say: We have nothing against Christians, as long as they serve us as slaves. And that is what the merry widow from Montenegro asks herself
But what do our best friends need the
Christian dogs
the funny widowed Bosniaks are supposed to serve as cleaning ladies.
first of all the butt
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What People Say About Us
Your Powers
journalist at
Skirmish 6.9
German: Standard language Native speaker
English:as Welsh
Hebrew and Arabic on the topic
for understanding
This website has grown organically in conjunction with other websites.
for understanding
For various reasons, including personal reasons, the decision to fight for the lives of Israeli Hamas hostages was made in early late September, around 6 September 2024. The restructuring of my website was delayed by Israel's attack on Hamas and Lebanon.
Skirmish 6.9
German: Standard language Native speaker
English:as Welsh
Hebrew and Arabic on the topic
New text
Imprint: Berhard Farkasch, Rheinstr. 14 66113Saarbrücken