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01 hostage family.
We want to create freedom of the press for Hamas, and that works well in Saarbrücken, Germany. The Catholic Church has rooms available for this purpose. Whole churches will not be used. To this end, however, Bishop Ackermann must be brought into line with Pope Francis and Archbishop Pizzabella. The genocide in Gaza is currently an important issue for the world and therefore for Catholicism. Therefore, Bishop Ackermann urgently needs to be kicked in the ass. Since cardinals don't usually kick bishops in the ass, we could stay like this. Someone should give Ackermann a brotherly admonition.
02 To save the hostages we need someone who will forgive them. This could be Pizabella or a priest appointed by him. He cannot forgive the murderers in the church. He can promise them that they will be forgiven under certain circumstances according to Catholic Church law. The Jewish faith is not an obstacle. Because of the Jewish faith alone no one has to go to hell. But because of murder and genocide they do.
Its ecclesiastical jurisdiction includes the territories of Palestine (according to the UN an independent state), Israel, Transjordan (Jordan) and also Lebanon. In my project
to save the lives of the hostages, he plays a crucial role-
Pizabella is very important for the hostages' families because it is intended to establish contact with Saarbrücken.
For the relatives of IDF spotter killers who murdered Catholic women, he is important because he is the official person who forgives murderers.
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As the capital of the smallest federal state in the Federal Republic, Saarbrücken has the advantage of being very easy to navigate. Everything is there. For example, a Greek Orthodox church, a Russian Orthodox church and a Russian Orthodox church that has been reunited with the Catholic church. There is also a Greek Orthodox church. And you can choose; other Palestinians can do the same.
Almost all Muslim movements are represented by imams.
We can easily transport the words of the Pope as a propaganda campaign
In parallel to the forgiveness of the individual guilt of IDF murderers, the guilt of the hostages' family members must be forgiven. As members of a terrorist gang that is carrying out murder and genocide in Palestine. Someone must forgive them
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journalist at
Skirmish 6.9
German: Standard language Native speaker
English:as Welsh
Hebrew and Arabic on the topic
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This website has grown organically in conjunction with other websites.
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For various reasons, including personal reasons, the decision to fight for the lives of Israeli Hamas hostages was made in early late September, around 6 September 2024. The restructuring of my website was delayed by Israel's attack on Hamas and Lebanon.
Skirmish 6.9
German: Standard language Native speaker
English:as Welsh
Hebrew and Arabic on the topic
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Imprint: Berhard Farkasch, Rheinstr. 14 66113Saarbrücken