Product name sloppiness
product sloppiness
This is a text area for your project description. Explain the goals, background, and success of the project in a few words. Leave the rest to the pictures. So a copy of Attila Farkas's eviction notice must be included here. People with Attila's level of education would call the basis for the eviction notice a lie - another lie in the land of the lying press. Because the lying press can spread lies much better when the Saarbrücken police lie in official police documents. If you read it carefully, the document is not a lie, it contains sloppiness. We use the term sloppiness in favor of the police officers. Are these small, forgivable sloppinesses that can be overlooked? Or are they major sloppinesses that must be combated. We leave the judgment to the reader.
The police must investigate impartially. They are neither the public prosecutor nor the judge. the individual sloppiness. # Apart from Mirela (female), no witnesses were questioned. ## Her half-brother Szaba was not questioned, although he was the victim of the only act of violence, the ramming of the door. ## I, Farkasch, was not questioned, although I was present during the entire argument. I was not always an eyewitness (I went to the toilet, for example), but I was there for between 5 and 10 seconds during the decisive argument. ## Mirela's school friend, a Kurd, was not questioned, as far as I know. ## an inspection of the crime scene and its recording that this did not take place can easily be proven by the fact that Attila's house key to the back door was not taken away. He later gave the key to his wife. and that there was no reaction to the main problem - the destroyed apartment door. It could no longer be locked. The police officers' inaction can be interpreted as failure by the policewomen to provide assistance, possibly in criminal proceedings. A clever lawyer can sometimes convince a judge. He just needs to have had a bad breakfast. Because on the high seas and in court everything is in God's hands.
There is no point in filing charges or complaints about this escalated marital dispute, in which very little actually happened. Our police officers also deserve a little goodwill. Because domestic violence really does exist and the police officers are there to prevent it. And they do their best to do so.