widow comforter

in Gaza

widow comforter

in Israel

widow comforter

in Northern Cyprus

Sacher Masoch

Masoch Sacher

here we see the most famous



Sacher like the famous Sachertorte.

We begin with his political goals, which then as now can be summed up under the terms progressive and alternative. However, he could not have published in either the TAZ or the Berliner Tagesspiegel.

in the mirror of today's literature and press.

Digital strategy

Copywriting & Storytelling

marginal notes

Sacher Masoch was born in Lemberg. His nurse was from Little Russia. (Ruthenian

This project was particularly exciting because the client gave us a carte blanche. Do what you want to attract a new audience.

We used all forms of social media to meet the audience in their most comfortable locations, and talked in their own language.

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