widow comforter
widow comforter
widow comforter
widow comforter
I have been thinking about what to call this website. Wikiblödia, doesn't work, it already exists
, Internet. Let's just call it
and this is definitely to be understood as a swear word
Page description:
This page is intended to show how nonsense is written. By anonymous writers of Wikipedia - who have learned nothing from the German past. It is about the ugly Wikipedia that:
I hate it
But I definitely don't want to fall into the National Socialist trap of dividing the world into religions.
In good and evil, black and white.
there is also something to live for
There is also something to love. That's why I am a wikipedophile.
Before we philosophize in emptiness
butter on the fish
so examples.
Example Sacher Masoch 1
When the Lord was still called Poldi 2 he had a Ruthenian wet nurse. We know today that:
# Breastfeeding produces oxytocin in the infant and the wet nurse
F ußnote 1
1 all quotes on this page from
´Romantic love as a medium of sublimation: Leopold von Sacher ...
by Evangelia Tsiavou
there is Google books
2 We want to translate the title Freiherr and follow the advice of Queen Elizabeth II when she was still young and agile (long ago). Question: "How should a commoner address a noblewoman/a nobleman if he unexpectedly stands before her, for example in Ascott, but does not know her exact title? The Queen's answer: simply my Lord? Because it is about divine right, on which the British monarchy is based. Queen Elizabeth was head of the Anglican Church by the grace of God, i.e. by birth, not by election. And the Lords are her secular executors. All Lords in the House of Lords are directly subordinate to the Royal House. Not to a feudal lord as in eudalism.
Your Powers
journalist at
Skirmish 6.9
German: Standard language Native speaker
English:as Welsh
Hebrew and Arabic on the topic
for understanding
This website has grown organically in conjunction with other websites.
for understanding
For various reasons, including personal reasons, the decision to fight for the lives of Israeli Hamas hostages was made in early late September, around 6 September 2024. The restructuring of my website was delayed by Israel's attack on Hamas and Lebanon.
Skirmish 6.9
German: Standard language Native speaker
English:as Welsh
Hebrew and Arabic on the topic
New text
Imprint: Berhard Farkasch, Rheinstr. 14 66113Saarbrücken