widow comforter

in Gaza

widow comforter

in Israel

widow comforter

in Northern Cyprus


This page is 100% cynical because the author is a cynic. It is about resolving dilemmas. In the good old cynic way, both ways of dealing with things are presented as the only right ones, knowing full well that this is wrong.

Here we see Susanne Klatten in Karl May's portrayal. In Leo's case. In this case, the Jews have been freed from slavery by the Persians. The slaves are now the Babylonians and their allies. Susanne Klatten has rushed to Jerusalem to support the Jews in their reconstruction with a few monetary donations. But she also wants to buy herself some love, because there is.

Love for sale

on the face down. You have a Lord

Suezy, I want to be your sweet child

sweet children smile at you


Unknown Wall Murderer Antifascist

I am Moritz the Hürtgen Boy

the Hürtgen (pronounced Hirtchen) needs a guide la Guiaditta

My name is Cervantes Sauue Dra

The slave seems to be masochistic.

Just like Sacher-Masoch. Just as the politically religious Karl May is sidelined as a book for young people, others are sidelined and become victims of the press. We talk about the good old days. Vienna was the European cultural capital before 1910. The city where all the cultures of the Habsburg Empire met and influenced each other. Of course, this included the Jews.

Sacher Maschoch
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