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Welcome to anti-fascism for everyone.

But there is a problem


In the Operetta State


has changed the government and can lead to jihad in the new bazaar (Novi Pazar), also called Sandschack for short

So operetta alarm


The operetta alarm also surprised me and it still applies

well come to our antifashism


in Jewish German

gut kumen tsu aundz

antifashizam far alemen

It is about anti-fascism, particularly anti-clerical fascism. The Bataclan trial is over. A significant proportion of the jihadists come from Molenbeek near Brussels, a small town to which I have a special relationship 1). They often come from the Maghreb. There was an uprising there which was bloodily suppressed by the fascist leader and clerical fascist Franco. This has become ingrained in the subconscious of the inhabitants of Molenbeek. And it contributed to the attack on the football match, Bataclan, etc. You could also say: it was the breeding ground for the attack. In my opinion, it will help to ease tensions between religions if we apologize specifically to the women of Molenbeek. For the lack of anti-fascism. And of course promise active remorse by making fun of the clerical fascism in Spain today. First question: is there clerical fascism in Spain today? Answer: Here we see the anthem of the fascists. / clerical fascism

It corresponds to the German Horst Wessel March. It is available on the Internet and is often and happily sung officially by clerical fascists at clerical fascist meetings. Title cara al so

Directly behind this clerical-fascist hymn there was a second clerical-fascist battle song in Spain and this one is also played by police orchestras.

'The Groom of Death' by Ángel Cortes @policia with music #choir of the General Military Academy

This clerical fascist battle song is also played by the police, performed in public and of course serves as a meeting place for real fascists for a relaxing weekend. The Spanish police have strong roots in fascism. It was fascist Spanish policemen who perfected the genocide of Spain under the fascist Franco by leading the survivors of the fascist Spaniards' cowardly poison gas war to execution. And then as now they sang:

The Groom of Death

The Bride of Death

Police fascism?

Police fascism? No, I don't think that Spain's police force is heavily infiltrated by fascists. Spain is a stable democracy and the vast majority of the Spanish police and military are prepared to defend it. What is it then? Police clerical fascism. Since it has something to do with religion, this is significantly worse in a religious war, which is what we are in.

Spain is different

Meant the green sunflower, the wife of the dictator Franco. That's why she was called the green sunflower because the fascist national anthem is Cara al Sol. That is a command to gira sol (turn towards the sun) or girasol sunflower. Of course there was a lot of corruption in the Franco dictatorship, starting with his wife. Like a sunflower, she always turned to where there was warmth.

Religious relaxation?

Religious détente, and what does the police have to do with it? There is a comprehensible line of argument from the jihadists that the police are waging a religious war. One should look into this and counteract it as much as possible. On the subject of religious détente, I believe it is a long-term process. We should think of the German policy of détente that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall. It took a long time from Brandt's kneeling in Warsaw to Strauss's first loans to the GDR. It could not have worked. But it did. Something had to be risked in the hope of fortune. Fortune in military parlance.
More information

Your style, expressed.

Can it get any worse? Yes? The Spanish clerical fascist police imitate the uniform of the US Army. And they sing a religious song about the victory of Christ. Is it all connected? In my opinion, it is understandable that the jihadists, not only from Moelenbeeck, believe that. It also has something to do with the style.

We should support clerical fascism among the inhabitants of Moelenbeek for the

clerical fascism


not only for Spanish clerical fascism but also for other clerical fascisms. Also for the clerical fascism of Austria. This was allied with the clerical fascist Mousollini and supported the genocide of Berbers, the current inhabitants of Molenbeek.

Nochmal for the groom of death.

The Spanish police, with their roots in fascism, appear in public, imitating the US Army. With the well-known song

the Battle Hyme  of the Republic

The USA is known to be a nation that tortures Muslims. Not only at Guantomo. The residents of Molenbeek, including the Bataclan attackers, would have to be considered completely insane if they didn't see this connection.

We should apologize to the residents of Molenbeek who have been directly affected by fascism. And to all residents who sympathize with the Islamic State (IS). And that is the majority. It is about anti-fascism as a starting point for an inter-religious discussion. The patron is Julia Klöckner from the CDU. The Ottomans and their beautiful princesses are also invited, of course.

this is the Ottoman princess Mihriamah.

Ottoman princesses were strong women. At the time of

female dominance

they ruled the Ottoman Empire de facto. So did our Mihriamah. She set armies in motion just to capture men, to make them her slaves, and to prove her social skills. Men who understand that women are the stronger sex. Men who finally had to learn to listen to women, and therefore



The princes attached importance to being addressed as Madom, Madon or Madam. This meant my mistress in vulgar Latin. The slave was allowed to choose the sound shift.

Sometimes these madams played funny pranks like this one.

It is very funny when the owner lets the Christian pig Cervantes sit on a stone, and when the nice owner Mihriamah says:

 Petron ?  = Patron ?

this is how the satire of satircon begins

with the arbitrator

And since this site promotes anti-fascism for everyone, the funny Bosnian women and satirical Muslim preachers are missing. The funny hodjas. Instead, the red Milva appears.

Freedom in my language is called Liberta, which means red Milva.


Of course we are all for freedom.

But Ottoman princesses such as Mihriamah thought that women should best acquire male and female slaves. Men in particular must learn to do housework and not leave it to women.

but women have had to do housework for hundreds of years.

But dear Milva, wouldn't it be better if a woman went shopping and bought herself a slave.

He has to be pretty young, young vegetable. Women can eat him in the evening.

Actually, slaves on the slave market are poor little sausages, and they too end up in Milva's shopping cart.

The slaves (poor little sausages) can look forward to being put in Milva's shopping cart during her shopping spree. Because Milva, la rossa, is a woman with heart.

New Button

Identify your goals and achieve them

You SI

You are

exactly you. Do you really want this:

# Men walk freely on the streets and harass women by

They look at their butts with pleasure. The same

# Men don’t want to do housework, cleaning, cooking, the same

# Men are incapable of giving women a clitoral orgasm.

# Men who simply cannot think and think better

should be left to the mistress.

if they have identified it as their goal to create a better world.

In which no stupid men interfere with intelligent women, they shop for a man at the next weekly market to meet him in the evening


and all sweet-toothed cats think

Let the women do it

Because let the women do it is a version of the German film.

lucky children

Maybe a film that was shot in 1936 and asks the question: What is better?

happy but stupid


Intelligent and unhappy

because in 1936 there were already many Jews in the concentration camp.

It was a decision of principle.

Contact us

1) My special relationship with Molenbeek. As a student and doctoral candidate in Aachen, I knew a Luxembourger, a student of ferrous metallurgy, who occasionally traveled to Luxembourg via Brussels. Molenbeek is very easy to get to. We take the E10, then the N9 and we are in Molenbeek St Johann as the Belgians say. There is no point in getting any closer to the center. And besides, there are free parking spaces in Molenbeek, while parking spaces in the center of Brussels are outrageously expensive. Before Bataclan, Molenbeek was a tourist insider tip.

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